29 June 22
Howard Tenens Logistics and partners deliver humanitarian aid to Ukraine
Howard Tenens Logistics has recently embarked on another journey to transport humanitarian aid to Ukraine in order to support those in the ongoing crisis.

Having previously transported resources to the Ukrainian border back in April of this year, Tenens looked to return with more items to help. This time, with the support of donated goods from Childs Farm, UPN and Organix, a trailer full of resources was successfully transported to Ukraine’s border by two volunteer HGV Drivers from Howard Tenens Logistics. The goods were given to volunteers at the arrival site for onward distribution.
“The situation facing the Ukrainian People is horrific, with people’s lives left devastated. As a privately owned business we believe in doing what we can to help those who find themselves in difficult times. We were extremely happy that our amazing clients responded so positively to our request to donate products for the vehicle we provided. The HT drivers who undertook the delivery are incredible ambassadors for us all, displaying the professionalism and care that permeates Howard Tenens.” – Jamie Hartles, CEO at Howard Tenens Logistics
Jean Carr, Day operations Manager at UPN commented:
“We here at UPN feel very honoured to assist in such a worthwhile cause and would like to take the opportunity to profusely thank Howards Tenens in the transportation of the pallets to the Ukraine. We would like also to thank our wonderful members who arranged with their customers and also members of the public for the collection of the goods in the first instance.”
Will Bowler, CEO for Childs Farm added; ‘Thank you to the team at Howards Tenens for volunteering to transport essential goods to the Ukraine to help the people and especially children who are most in need.’