Sustainable Procurement Policy

Howard Tenens recognises that the procurement of goods and services can have a negative impact on the environment. These impacts can however be minimised or avoided if environmental considerations are taken account of during purchasing decisions. Howard Tenens is committed to operating its business in a sustainable way and this commitment extends to the goods and services that we purchase.

To help us achieve this commitment we aim to:

  • Encourage the purchase of vehicles that are as fuel efficient/low emission as possible, through consideration of features such as lightweighting and aerodynamic styling
  • Consider opportunities for the purchase of low/zero carbon drivetrain technologies such as hybrid, battery electric and fuel cells where these may be operationally and economically viable
  • Take into account the running costs and environmental impacts of vehicles and equipment over the whole of their expected life when making procurement decisions
  • Purchase biofuels such as HVO, bioLPG and biomethane in preference to fossil fuels
  • Purchase renewable electricity where possible, preferably through on-site renewables, or through good quality green tariff contracts backed by REGOs
  • Ensure equipment meets minimum energy efficiency and performance standards through purchasing products which are approved on the Energy Technology List where possible
  • Consider the energy performance of buildings prior to purchase or lease, as assessed through the Energy Performance Certificate
  • Introduce measures to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, where viable, when undertaking major refurbishment works
  • Encourage the purchase of goods and materials which have recycled content or are derived from reclaimed materials
  • Avoid the purchase of goods and materials which cannot be easily reused or recycled
  • Encourage the purchase of Fairtrade and ethically sourced goods
  • Encourage the purchase of products which have a low impact on the environment, taking into consideration the depletion of natural resources, pollution generated and impact on biodiversity
  • Work with local suppliers and service providers where possible to help support the local economy
  • Consider the distance that purchased goods need to be transported and reduce transportation miles where possible in order to minimise CO2 and other emissions
  • Ensure key suppliers are made aware of our policy and strive to deliver products and services in line with its requirements
  • Ensure that any staff responsible for purchasing goods and services receive training on how to implement this policy

Ben MorrisĀ 
Director and Company Secretary
19th January 2024